Chrissy was a freaking angel sent from heaven! We originally hired Chrissy because we were supposed to have our wedding on a farm which would have required us to bring in EVERYTHING and set everything up. We knew we needed someone to greet vendors and tell them where to go and where to set up. My husband and I felt overwhelmed by this so we thought having her would make our life easier the day of and take away some of the stress. Fast forward to January we had a big wrench thrown in our plans and had to make a last minute change and scramble to find another location for our ceremony and reception. Although the location we found would have never been my first choice (ever) Chrissy pumped me up and brought the vision to life. She went above and beyond and worked with me for weeks leading up to the wedding. She reached out to vendors, made a timeline, and over all just helped keep me in check. When the day before the wedding arrived Chrissy sensed the panic I had (we set up the venue by ourselves the day before) and flew down to the venue and jumped in and started making it come together. She literally made our worries go away! When the day finally arrived Chrissy was on it from the minute she arrived to the minute guests left. Not only did she help greet vendors, direct people where to go, set tables, and organize staff, but she also helped make our first look really special and she handled things like picking up our cake and a few other things we requested for our guests. Right before the start of the reception a guest asked Chrissy what gluten free option we had (we had none) and Chrissy quickly jumped into action and had it ordered and delivered before she even brought it to my attention. Since we brought everything in ourselves we were worried we’d run out of things but Chrissy was constantly checking and making sure things were stocked and good to go and was ready to run out at a moments notice for anything we needed and luckily we didn’t run out of anything! Our guests even noticed how great Chrissy was throughout the reception! She especially took care of my grandparents and made sure they were the first to get food and relax. These were just a few amazing things that Chrissy did for my Husband and I! Chrissy is absolutely amazing and anyone who hires her will be in good hands there’s no doubt in my mind!